McKoy Pool - Decatur, Georgia

Adresse: 534 Mckoy St, Decatur, GA 30030.
Telefon: 4043788084.
SpezialitĂ€ten: Öffentliches Schwimmbad.
Andere interessante Daten: Rollstuhlgerechter Eingang, Kinder­freundlich.
Bewertungen: Dieses Unternehmen hat 48 Bewertungen auf Google My Business.
Durchschnittliche Meinung: 4.3/5.

📌 Ort von McKoy Pool

McKoy Pool, befindet sich an der Adresse 534 Mckoy St, Decatur, GA 30030 und ist ein Ă€ußerst beliebtes öffentliches Schwimmbad in der Region. Dieses Schwimmbad bietet eine Vielzahl von AktivitĂ€ten und Attraktionen, die fĂŒr die ganze Familie geeignet sind.


Die SpezialitĂ€ten von McKoy Pool umfassen ein breites Spektrum an Angeboten, die darauf abzielen, ein unvergessliches Schwimmerlebnis fĂŒr jedermann zu schaffen. FĂŒr Familien mit kleinen Kindern ist das Schwimmbad besonders zu empfehlen, da es eine Seite mit Null-Einstieg und Fountains bietet. Diese spezielle Umgebung ist ideal fĂŒr Kinder, die noch nicht schwimmen können, da sie eine sichere und unterhaltsame Erfahrung bieten.

Andere interessante Daten

McKoy Pool ist auch rollstuhlgerecht und kinderfreundlich, was es zu einem noch attraktiveren Ziel fĂŒr Familien macht. Die Anlage ist auch gut beleuchtet, was eine sichere Umgebung fĂŒr Schwimmer erstreckt, sodass sie sich im Pool auch nach Einbruch der Dunkelheit entspannt fĂŒhlen können.

Über das Unternehmen

Das Unternehmen hat 48 Bewertungen auf Google My Business erhalten, was zeigt, dass es von vielen Menschen geschÀtzt wird. Die Durchschnittliche Meinung liegt bei 4,3 von 5 Sternen, was darauf hindeutet, dass die meisten Menschen zufrieden mit der QualitÀt und den Dienstleistungen des Pools sind.


Einige Kunden haben ihre Erfahrungen mit dem Pool geteilt, und die meisten sind beeindruckt von der breiten Palette an AktivitĂ€ten und Attraktionen, die McKoy Pool anzubieten hat. Einige Kunden haben jedoch auch erwĂ€hnt, dass sie manchmal auf Wartezeiten stoßen können, wenn der Personaleinrichtungen nicht planmĂ€ĂŸig geöffnet haben. Trotz dieser kleinen EinschrĂ€nkungen scheint das Poolereignis jedoch ĂŒberwiegend positiv besetzt zu sein.


Wenn Sie nach einem öffentlichen Schwimmbad in der NĂ€he suchen, das sowohl fĂŒr Familien mit kleinen Kindern als auch fĂŒr alle anderen Besucher geeignet ist, empfehle ich Ihnen, McKoy Pool ausgiebig zu untersuchen. Die Anlage bietet eine Vielzahl von AktivitĂ€ten und Attraktionen, die fĂŒr eine großartige Zeit sorgen werden. Die durchschnittliche Meinung von 4,3 von 5 Sternen zeigt, dass viele Menschen zufrieden mit den Dienstleistungen des Pools sind. Um mehr ĂŒber diese attraktive Anlage zu erfahren, besuchen Sie bitte die Webseite:

Kontaktieren Sie McKoy Pool heute selbst und genießen Sie die vielen VorzĂŒge dieses Schwimmbads fĂŒr sich selbst Telefon: 4043788084.

👍 Bewertungen von McKoy Pool

McKoy Pool - Decatur, Georgia
Sydney G.

Great pool especially for small kids. We love the zero entry side of the pool with the fountains! However, we got to the pool right when it opened on a weekday to find that the front desk person had not come in yet. The lifeguards aren’t allowed to take money from guests apparently, so we had to wait outside the pool until the desk employee came in..long story short it was a bit annoying to wait nearly 30 minutes to get to go into the pool deck, especially with a toddler and newborn. Otherwise our other experiences have been great!

McKoy Pool - Decatur, Georgia
Teneaski T.

It's well lit in some of the areas.

McKoy Pool - Decatur, Georgia
Andrew S.

Seconding the review regarding the pool being closed. A wastewater issue being the stated reason with no other explanation nor timelines raises more concerns. What does wastewater even mean? Is the pool full of sewage and human waste?

A reply stating that there are other city pools simply underscores how little the city understands their constituents they are meant to serve.
When did this start?
Did I take my kids to swim in wastewater before the issue was announced? (To be clear, it was never announced)
When will this be resolved?
What’s the extent of the issue?
Why is there no information about what is going on?

Yes, we have been visiting other pools. If McKoy pool never existed, that would be fine. But it does and it’s the only pool south of college is now closed indefinitely with no explanation. How could anyone think this is acceptable?

The pool itself is fine, when open and not full of ‘waste’.

McKoy Pool - Decatur, Georgia

Great unique pool designed with younger children in mind. It’s never too crowded and the kids love it there. It can be kind of shaded certain times of the day, which can cause the water to be a little colder than other pools. Overall a great little pool for young families.

McKoy Pool - Decatur, Georgia
Alex B.

Excellent!! Nice and shaded. Getting out every 50 minutes "for a break" is extremely annoying, though. Especially if you just get there and that's when the break is and you have to leave soon. Parents should be trusted with knowing when their kids need a break.

McKoy Pool - Decatur, Georgia
Jazmine S.

The life guards especially the head life guard are very unprofessional.
On Tuesday 8,2021 the head life guard of your Mccoy pool came off very rude from the beginning of my visit along with 2 other parents. We had 5 children each and he was upset stating we are a camp and can not come in. The 2 other parents and I both explained to him that we are not a camp, he then process to give one of the parent a phone to talk to the manager of Dekalb district pools because he felt we were still a camp. The manager after having the situation explain to him that we are not a camp just 3 mothers who came to a pool together he then decides to let us enter. Later on while it started to rain and everyone had to get out of the pool one of the parents walked in on the life guards discussing us which is very unprofessional. They saying we were lieing and they did not want to watch our group of children, if your pool was not pass capacity and we were following the rules your staff should not have had an issue especially being that we paid our way. A different life guard herself stated we seem like family which after their manager said it's ok let them enter there should not have been any problem nor further discussion much less in front of our children. We were discriminated against and it was not fair to treat us mothers nor our children that way. We were in there less then 1 hour and was not refunded our money.

McKoy Pool - Decatur, Georgia
Paul A.

Secluded Decatur public swim club. Very nice. Membership or fee is required. It appears to cater mostly to parents of smaller children. There are three lap lanes that appear to be 25 yards in length. It feels shorter than a usual outdoor lap lane, but can't say for sure. I would guess that about half of the water area is devoted to less than 3 feet of water depth. One can rent the pool for birthday parties, with lifeguard staffing for a very reasonable price.

McKoy Pool - Decatur, Georgia
Shannon Y.

We have an annual family event at this park. Usually we don’t use the pool but this year we decided it would be awesome for the kids to swim at the event. A few of the mothers decided we would take the kids and supervise while they swam. The entrance fees were noted, and we were quoted a price of $32 for our group. We were a little short so my sister went back to the car to get more cash. Once we came back with the additional money, the young lady at the front gate told us the price had risen to $42. In less than 5 minutes. I asked her why and she started telling me “we have no way to keep account of the people who come in and people always try to sneak people in”. What? What in the world does that have to do with the price changing? And what does people sneaking into the pool have to do with us who are clearly trying to pay. I don’t like to scream racism/classism but of course the thought crossed my mind because why on earth would this girl be telling me that they have issues with people sneaking in when it had NOTHING to do with what we were doing? At this point my sister became uncomfortable and decided not to swim nor let her children swim. She left and so now our price should drop because we have less people right? Wrong. Now with $40 in hand, with less people than when we were quoted $32 then $42, she tells me that we’re still short! Ok now I feel like I’m being punked smh. My other sister and I inform her that according to their posted prices, based on the number of people we have now, it should be $28. She appeared visibly annoyed (I guess she thought we couldn’t add) and still looked back at her manager for approval. I have served in the US Air Force. Been around the world twice. But I grew up in Decatur and I have NEVER felt the type of humiliation I felt today just trying to pay my hard earned money to take my children, nieces and nephews swimming. At best, I’m baffled as to why someone who can’t do basic math would be handling money. At worst it feels the ugly side of gentrification (in a neighborhood I grew up in no less smh) and I’m more disgusted that my 3yr old had to witness that. Good bye Decatur where it was once greater.

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